introducing the

boho minimal macrame plant hanger workshop by FreeWildShe

a step-by-step guide to creating the macrame plant hanger of your plant parent dreams

learn how to make
a macrame
plant hanger


making something with your hands

picking out the perfect cord color

knowing the knots & method

having a chic, boho minimal style macrame plant hanger in your home


a macrame beginner

a lover of hand crafts

needing an excuse to slow down

macrame curious

a multi-passionate creative

a houseplant parent looking for more space


Be there when it drops.

I'd love for you to make a DIY macrame plant hanger with me


I'm Shandrea

I'm Shandrea, Maker + Creator at FreeWildShe

Maker + Creator at FreeWildShe

I started macrame in 2018 while looking for a new creative outlet. I realized right away that macrame was so much more than a hobby. It helps my brain slow down, calms my emotions, and nourishes my creativity. Macrame is my meditation. My favorite way to slow down, manage stress, and feel ready to tackle the next thing.

As I guide new macra-makers into this creative world, I aspire to pass on that sense of calm, joy, & inspiration.

Come join me!